For a Round Table in favour of the Ber­lin inde­pen­dent Art’s scene

The ZMB sup­ports the demand of the Koali­ti­on der Frei­en Sze­ne (Coali­ti­on of the Inde­pen­dent Sce­ne) for a round table in which sus­tainable, inclu­si­ve, ade­qua­te and legal­ly secu­re fun­ding struc­tures for the inde­pen­dent sce­ne are to be deve­lo­ped tog­e­ther with the Ber­lin Sena­te.–26/


For the Ber­lin Cul­tu­ral Pro­mo­ti­on Act

The ZMB has joi­n­ed the initia­ti­ve for a Ber­lin Cul­tu­ral Pro­mo­ti­on Act. In a working paper, the initia­ti­ve has com­pi­led important prio­ri­ties for a future cul­tu­re pro­mo­ti­on law and has alre­a­dy achie­ved that the govern­ment coali­ti­on has spo­ken out in favour of a cul­tu­re pro­mo­ti­on law. In topic-spe­ci­­fic working groups, open ques­ti­ons are curr­ent­ly being work­ed on. In this […]


Trans­pa­rent and com­pe­tent jury appointments

A fair allo­ca­ti­on of funds for the pro­mo­ti­on of inde­pen­dent music theat­re is essen­ti­al­ly con­nec­ted to the com­po­si­ti­on of the respec­ti­ve juries. The ZMB advo­ca­tes that the pro­ce­du­res for nomi­na­ting jurors beco­me more trans­pa­rent and that com­pe­ten­ces in the field of inde­pen­dent music theat­re are taken into account in an appro­pria­te manner. 


Trans­pa­rent allo­ca­ti­on of funding

The ZMB advo­ca­tes for a fair and trans­pa­rent con­side­ra­ti­on of inde­pen­dent music theat­re in the allo­ca­ti­on of funds in the various fun­ding pro­gram­mes of the Sena­te and the Haupt­stadt­kul­tur­fonds (Capi­tal Cul­tu­ral Fund). Music theat­re is often more com­plex and expen­si­ve to pro­du­ce than other forms of per­forming arts. This cir­cum­s­tance must be taken into account when […]


Free spaces for free producing

Tog­e­ther with DACH-Musik, the ZMB advo­ca­tes for the pre­ser­va­ti­on and ade­qua­te deve­lo­p­ment of rehear­sal spaces. In doing so, it works in clo­se coor­di­na­ti­on with PRO­SA (Pro­ject for the Crea­ti­on of Artis­tic Work Spaces), which is main­tai­ned by Bünd­nis Freie Sze­ne Ber­lin e.V., and the Kul­tur­raum­bü­ro of the Ber­lin Sena­te.  https://​kul​tur​raeu​me​.ber​lin/ https://​buend​nis​-freie​-sze​ne​-ber​lin​.org


For fair payment

The inde­pen­dent Art’s sce­ne in Ber­lin is enga­ged in an inten­si­ve dis­cus­sion with the various fun­ding insti­tu­ti­ons about appro­pria­te pay­ment and fair lower fee limits. At the end of 2022, the ZMB, tog­e­ther with DACH-Musik, pre­sen­ted a poli­cy paper that, in addi­ti­on to rehear­sal and per­for­mance fees, also brings the sus­taina­bi­li­ty of working in the independent […]
