Sebastian Hanusa

Sebastian Hanusa is a dramaturge, composer and author. He studied music and philosophy in Dortmund, composition with Prof. Theo Brandmüller at the Hochschule für Musik Saar Saarbrücken, electronic music with François Donato and Daniel Teruggi (GRM Paris/Forbach), as well as musicology at the University of Saarland Saarbrücken.
His compositional work includes instrumental as well as electronic music, installations, performances, and music for the theatre. These have been presented by the Mainfranken Theater Würzburg, the festival Sinuston, klangpol – Netzwerk Neue Musik Nordwest Oldenburg/Bremen, REM – Reihe Elektronischer Musik Bremen and musik 21 Düsseldorf, among others. He was also involved as composer and arranger of two music theatre works, Das Geheimnis der blauen Hirsche and Der Schrei des Pfauen in der Nacht, both of which were premiered in the Tischlerei of Deutsche Oper Berlin. Zudem war er an den beiden in der Tischlerei der Deutschen Oper uraufgeführten Musiktheaterwerke Das Geheimnis der blauen Hirsche und Der Schrei des Pfauen in der Nacht als Komponist und Arrangeur beteiligt.
Between 2004 and 2012, Hanusa served as dramaturge for music theater, dance and concert music at theaters in Würzburg, Magdeburg and Oldenburg. Since the season 2014/2015, he has been working at the Deutsche Oper Berlin in the same capacity. As a dramaturge, he has accompanied a significant number of repertoire productions (with directors like among others Vasily Barkhatov, Michail Marmarinos, Philipp Stölzl, Verena Stoiber, Stephan Suschke, Jossi Wieler, Sergio Morabito and Anna Viebrock), in addition to numerous world premieres and first German performances, including those by Konrad Boehmer, Beat Furrer, Sara Glojnarić, Georg Friedrich Haas, Ole Hübner, Gordon Kampe, Andrej Koroliov, Barblina Meierhans, Samir Odeh-Tamimi, Younghi Pagh-Paan, Aribert Reimann, Oliver Schneller, Gerhard Stäbler and Christian Wolff. Additionally, he has curated the series Aus dem Hinterhalt and the project Neue Szenen at the Deutsche Oper Berlin; as the media art figure, Dr. Dietmar Takt, he had written and produced the print and video column of the same name.
As a freelance dramaturge, Hanusa was most recently involved in the project Yes! Yes! Yes! Die Fernsehshow with music by Ole Hübner and Hans-Joachim Hespos with the ensemble AuditivVokal from Dresden. Yes! Yes! Yes! Die Fernsehshow In addition to his numerous responsibilities as a theatre dramturge, Hanusa has worked as a author in the field of new music and music theater for print media, as well as radio. His articles and radio features have been broadcast or published by hr2 Kultur, the Neue Zeitschrift für Musik, Positionen and Philharmony Luxembourg.
Kontakt sebastian.hanusa(at)gmx(dot)de
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