
La Cage

La Cage is a per­for­mance com­pa­ny foun­ded in Paris and Ber­lin in 2015. Our per­for­man­ces blend tog­e­ther a ran­ge of musi­cal and visu­al art forms. Our artis­tic team con­sti­tu­tes an ensem­ble that includes visu­al artists, musi­ci­ans, per­for­mers, dra­ma­tur­ges and technicians. 
La Cage pro­duc­tions have been shown at Radi­al­sys­tem, Ball­haus Ost, and Berg­hain in Ber­lin, as well as at the Cent­re Pom­pi­dou and the Cité de la Musi­que in Paris, at the Basel Theat­re, the Nou­veau Thé­ât­re de Mon­treuil, the Rouen Ope­ra and the Reims Ope­ra, at the Con­cert­ge­bouw Brug­ge, the ÉCLA­TE Fes­ti­val, and the Donau­eschin­ger Musiktagen.
From 2019 to 2021, the La Cage artis­tic direc­tor, Ali­é­nor Dau­chez, work­ed as asso­cia­ted artist at the French sta­te theat­re La Rose des Vents, Scè­ne Natio­na­le Lil­le Métro­po­le – Ville­neuve d’Ascq, under the direc­tion of Marie Didier.

Web www​.laca​ge​.org

Kon­takt alienor.dauchez(at)