

The Asso­cia­ti­on Kul­tur­kon­tak­te e.V. ori­gi­na­tes from the long­term coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween peo­p­le from the cul­tu­ral and the socio-cul­tu­ral sec­tors. Initia­ted by Kers­tin Wie­he (cul­tu­ral mana­ger and publi­cist), the­re are Hans-Jörg Bahrs (urban plan­ner), Cor­ne­lia Heger (direc­tor), Kat­ja Lucker (cul­tu­ral mana­ger), David Reu­ter (artist and tea­cher), Jens Schub­be (dra­ma­tur­gy), and Katha­ri­na Tar­jan (assistant direc­tor) among the foun­ders. Aim and pur­po­se of the asso­cia­ti­on is to sup­port cul­tu­ral and socio-cul­tu­ral pro­jects through exch­an­ge and net­wor­king for all fields of the arts and cul­tu­re as well as sup­port­ing the young gene­ra­ti­on in the cul­tu­ral sec­tor. Addi­tio­nal­ly it aims at sup­port­ing inter­na­tio­nal coope­ra­ti­on and exch­an­ge and the sup­port of cul­tu­ral pro­jects in the new Ger­man sta­tes – here new­ly repre­sen­ted by the Ster­ne­beck sec­tion. One spe­cial inte­rest is focus­sed on the pro­duc­tion of new music theat­re pieces. 

Web: www​.kul​tur​kon​tak​te​-ev​.de
Kon­takt mail(at)kul​tur​kon​tak​te​-ev​.de