Coope­ra­ti­on with Koali­ti­on der Frei­en Szene

In 2012, the inde­pen­dent sce­ne in Ber­lin joi­n­ed forces across all gen­res to safe­guard the sub­s­tance of the much-vaun­­ted and inter­na­tio­nal­ly cele­bra­ted crea­ti­ve Ber­lin. The Koali­ti­on der Frei­en Sze­ne (Coali­ti­on of the Inde­pen­dent Sce­ne) is an open plat­form that dis­cus­ses and for­mu­la­tes cul­tu­ral poli­cy demands, deve­lo­ps con­cepts and orga­ni­s­es cam­paigns in regu­lar mee­tings. The work […]


Coope­ra­ti­on with the DACH Music

The Inde­pen­dent Music Theat­re shares many inte­rests and cul­­tu­ral-poli­­ti­­cal goals with the inde­pen­dent music sce­ne in Ber­lin. The­r­e­fo­re, the ZMB is also invol­ved in their infor­mal inte­rest group, the “DACH-Musik”, in which the inm e.V. (Initia­ti­ve Neue Musik), the IG Jazz and Ver­ei­ni­gung Alte Musik e.V. (Ear­ly Music Asso­cia­ti­on) work together. 


Coope­ra­ti­on with LAFT e.V.

Inde­pen­dent music theat­re belongs to the field of the per­forming arts and shares a lar­ge part of its poli­ti­cal inte­rests and goals with it. The ZMB is the­r­e­fo­re in clo­se exch­an­ge with the LAFT e.V. (Lan­des­ver­band freie Dar­stel­len­de Küns­te Ber­lin), of which it is also a mem­ber.  https://​www​.laft​-ber​lin​.de
