
Sebas­ti­an Hanusa

Sebas­ti­an Hanusa is a dra­ma­tur­ge, com­po­ser and aut­hor. He stu­di­ed music and phi­lo­so­phy in Dort­mund, com­po­si­ti­on with Prof. Theo Brand­mül­ler at the Hoch­schu­le für Musik Saar Saar­brü­cken, elec­tro­nic music with Fran­çois Dona­to and Dani­el Terug­gi (GRM Paris/​Forbach), as well as musi­co­lo­gy at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Saar­land Saarbrücken. 


His com­po­si­tio­nal work includes instru­men­tal as well as elec­tro­nic music, instal­la­ti­ons, per­for­man­ces, and music for the theat­re. The­se have been pre­sen­ted by the Main­fran­ken Thea­ter Würz­burg, the fes­ti­val Sinus­ton, klang­pol – Netz­werk Neue Musik Nord­west Oldenburg/​Bremen, REM – Rei­he Elek­tro­ni­scher Musik Bre­men and musik 21 Düs­sel­dorf, among others. He was also invol­ved as com­po­ser and arran­ger of two music theat­re works, Das Geheim­nis der blau­en Hir­sche and Der Schrei des Pfau­en in der Nacht, both of which were pre­mie­red in the Tisch­le­rei of Deut­sche Oper Ber­lin. Zudem war er an den bei­den in der Tisch­le­rei der Deut­schen Oper urauf­ge­führ­ten Musik­thea­ter­wer­ke Das Geheim­nis der blau­en Hir­sche und Der Schrei des Pfau­en in der Nacht als Kom­po­nist und Arran­geur beteiligt. 


Bet­ween 2004 and 2012, Hanusa ser­ved as dra­ma­tur­ge for music thea­ter, dance and con­cert music at thea­ters in Würz­burg, Mag­de­burg and Olden­burg. Sin­ce the sea­son 2014/2015, he has been working at the Deut­sche Oper Ber­lin in the same capa­ci­ty. As a dra­ma­tur­ge, he has accom­pa­nied a signi­fi­cant num­ber of reper­toire pro­duc­tions (with direc­tors like among others Vasi­ly Bark­ha­tov, Michail Mar­ma­ri­nos, Phil­ipp Stölzl, Vere­na Stoi­ber, Ste­phan Susch­ke, Jos­si Wie­ler, Ser­gio Morabi­to and Anna Vie­b­rock), in addi­ti­on to num­e­rous world pre­mie­res and first Ger­man per­for­man­ces, inclu­ding tho­se by Kon­rad Boeh­mer, Beat Fur­rer, Sara Glo­j­na­rić, Georg Fried­rich Haas, Ole Hüb­ner, Gor­don Kam­pe, Andrej Koro­liov, Bar­bli­na Mei­er­hans, Samir Odeh-Tami­mi, Younghi Pagh-Paan, Ari­bert Rei­mann, Oli­ver Schnel­ler, Ger­hard Stäb­ler and Chris­ti­an Wolff. Addi­tio­nal­ly, he has cura­ted the series Aus dem Hin­ter­halt and the pro­ject Neue Sze­nen at the Deut­sche Oper Ber­lin; as the media art figu­re, Dr. Diet­mar Takt, he had writ­ten and pro­du­ced the print and video column of the same name. 


As a free­lan­ce dra­ma­tur­ge, Hanusa was most recent­ly invol­ved in the pro­ject Yes! Yes! Yes! Die Fern­seh­show with music by Ole Hüb­ner and Hans-Joa­chim Hes­pos with the ensem­ble Audi­tiv­Vo­kal from Dres­den. Yes! Yes! Yes! Die Fern­seh­show In addi­ti­on to his num­e­rous respon­si­bi­li­ties as a theat­re dramt­ur­ge, Hanusa has work­ed as a aut­hor in the field of new music and music thea­ter for print media, as well as radio. His artic­les and radio fea­tures have been broad­cast or published by hr2 Kul­tur, the Neue Zeit­schrift für Musik, Posi­tio­nen and Phil­harm­o­ny Luxembourg. 


Kon­takt sebastian.hanusa(at)gmx(dot)de