
Anna­li­sa Derossi

Born in Ita­ly, Anna­li­sa Deros­si stu­di­ed pia­no and dance simul­ta­neous­ly in Turin and Paris. In 1991 she came to Ber­lin to work as a pia­nist and dancer with the dance theat­re Sko­ro­nel. Sin­ce then she has work­ed as a free­lan­cer in inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry stage pro­jects throug­hout the Ger­man-spea­king world. She has a long-stan­ding col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the Swiss direc­tor and com­po­ser Rue­di Häu­ser­mann, with whom she has work­ed at thea­tres such as the Schau­spiel­haus Zurich, the Bava­ri­an Sta­te Ope­ra and the Burg­thea­ter Vien­na. In various capa­ci­ties such as pianist/​dancer/​choreographer/​actress/​artistic or musi­cal director/​composer, Anna­li­sa Deros­si is acti­ve in inde­pen­dent pro­duc­tions, her own pro­jects, as well as in site-spe­ci­fic per­for­man­ces. She is curr­ent­ly per­forming in works by Thom Luz and Judith Kuckart and rea­li­ses her own pro­jects, which pri­ma­ri­ly explo­re the con­nec­tion bet­ween move­ment and music. 
