
For the Ber­lin Cul­tu­ral Pro­mo­ti­on Act

The ZMB has joi­n­ed the initia­ti­ve for a Ber­lin Cul­tu­ral Pro­mo­ti­on Act. In a working paper, the initia­ti­ve has com­pi­led important prio­ri­ties for a future cul­tu­re pro­mo­ti­on law and has alre­a­dy achie­ved that the govern­ment coali­ti­on has spo­ken out in favour of a cul­tu­re pro­mo­ti­on law. In topic-spe­ci­fic working groups, open ques­ti­ons are curr­ent­ly being work­ed on. In this con­text, it is dis­cus­sed whe­ther the­re should be a per­ma­nent cul­tu­ral con­fe­rence / a cul­tu­ral coun­cil and how the asso­cia­ti­ons should be invol­ved in this new structure. 
