Net­work for Inde­pen­dent Music Theatre

The ZMB is one of the dri­ving forces behind the estab­lish­ment of a nati­on­wi­de asso­cia­ti­on for inde­pen­dent music theat­re. Tog­e­ther with Stim­me X e.V. from Ham­burg and the Colo­gne Initia­ti­ve Musik­thea­ter (KIM) and fun­ded by the Neu­start Kul­tur pro­gram­me, the ZMB orga­nis­ed three net­work mee­tings in 2022. The offi­ci­al foun­ding of the nati­on­wi­de net­work of inde­pen­dent music […]
