
gamut inc

The inter­di­sci­pli­na­ry ensem­ble around com­po­sers Mari­on Wör­le and Maciej Śled­ziecki is dedi­ca­ted to inno­va­ti­ve music theat­re and machi­ne music. The the­ma­tic focus of the works is on a cri­ti­cal approach to tech­no­lo­gies. Sin­ce 2013, gamut inc has been set­ting the­ma­tic prio­ri­ties with its own pro­duc­tions, sta­ging music theat­re and orga­ni­s­ing con­cert and fes­ti­val for­mats, such as AGGRE­GA­TE for auto­ma­ted pipe organs. gamut inc works with various artists on a pro­ject-by-pro­ject basis. Inten­si­ve, scenic-musi­cal per­for­man­ces nego­tia­te tech­no­lo­gi­sa­ti­on in a social con­text. In Sep­tem­ber 2023 they will com­ple­te their human-machi­ne tri­lo­gy with ZEROTH LAW at the Deut­sche Oper Ber­lin, in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with the RIAS Kam­mer­chor and the LOGOS Robot Orches­tra. WEB­SITE www​.gamu​tinc​.org CONT­ACT gamut@​gamutinc.​org