
Glen Shepp­ard

Glen Shepp­ard was born in Cana­da, whe­re he stu­di­ed acting at the Ryer­son Theat­re School. Glen works with musi­cal source texts and deals with ritu­als and an awa­re­ness of time, which result in psy­cho­lo­gi­cal cho­reo­gra­phies and their echo­es. Important works are: Y IS A QUES­TI­ON I KEEP ASKING (2018), ALEX­AN­DRIA (2019), a cor­rec­tion of Händel’s ‘Il Tri­on­fo del Tem­po e del Dising­an­no’, AUS­SER SICH (2019) a rewor­king of SALO­ME in col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with sound artist Tomas Nord­mark and UNE MYS­TI­FI­CA­TI­ON (2020 and 2022), a work con­s­truc­ted around the ‘Trois Chan­sons de Bili­tis’ by Clau­de Debus­sy. In addi­ti­on to his own works, Glen works as a Revi­val Direc­tor at the Eng­lish Natio­nal Ope­ra and Director’s Col­la­bo­ra­tor with Netia Jones, most recent­ly at the Opé­ra Natio­nal de Paris. In May 2023, Glen pres­ents UNTIL THE WATERS FOAM UP, a 9‑hour per­for­mance based on RUSAL­KA, to be fol­lo­wed in ear­ly Sep­tem­ber by I FURIO­SI, a hybrid video-con­cert or ‘ope­ra by ste­alth’ made using the second voices from Hän­dels mid-1730s Arios­to tri­lo­gy at Uferstudios.