
Fabi­an Czolbe

abi­an Czol­be (*1981) is a musi­co­lo­gist and wro­te his doc­to­ral the­sis on aspects of Nota­tio­nal Ico­ni­ci­ty in com­po­si­tio­nal sket­ches of the 20th cen­tu­ry. He was a rese­arch asso­cia­te at the Insti­tu­te for Musi­co­lo­gy Wei­mar-Jena (Uni­ver­si­ty of Music Franz Liszt Wei­mar, 2015–2019) and tea­ches at uni­ver­si­ties in Ber­lin, Hei­del­berg, or Mar­burg As a free­lan­ce music jour­na­list, he wri­tes for maga­zi­nes and radio and par­ti­ci­pa­ted in music thea­ter pro­jects as a dra­ma­tur­ge, assistant or actor. He has also deve­lo­ped digi­tal edu­ca­ti­on con­cepts for muse­ums, con­cert for­mats and aca­de­mic tea­ching. His rese­arch focu­ses on 20th/​21st cen­tu­ry music and music thea­ter, experimental/​improvised music, instru­men­tal thea­ter, sound art/​sound per­for­mance, music aes­the­tics, nota­ti­on, and com­po­si­tio­nal wri­ting and crea­ti­on pro­ces­ses in music. 

Web fabian.czolbe(at)