
Komische Oper - Schall&Rausch:

Work-out-Oper von CLUB GEWALT

10.–11. Februar

10.02. 20:00
11.02. 19:00

KINDL – Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst Am Sudhaus 3 12053 Berlin

Work­out­Oper von CLUB GEWALT
In Koope­ra­ti­on mit Schall&Rausch, Fes­ti­val der Komi­schen Oper Berlin
In nie­der­län­di­scher Spra­che, mit eng­li­schen Untertiteln


To the sound of an unstoppable work-out track, CLUB GEWALT honors the bra­ve and per­sis­tent Yuri van Gel­der: the Net­her­lands num­ber-one ath­le­te on the rings. CLUB GEWALT moves in sync with the gym­nastic super­he­ro and deli­vers a per­for­mance with an Olym­pic-style of ambi­ti­on. The so-cal­led Dutch Lord of the Rings flew high, fell low and flew high again. And that will be the exact thing to wit­ness in this work-out-ope­ra that goes Immer gera­de aus. Sniff magne­si­um, flex your mus­cles, climb into the rings and dive for a swing.